Saturday, February 5, 2011


Another fast and furious Saturday.  I can't complain about this one, other than I got shellacked on the tennis court this afternoon.  In my defense, I did play a former college player who has only been out of college a few years, but I certainly could've played a hell of a lot better than I did.  Over the course of an hour and a half, I managed to eke out two - count 'em, one, two - games.  It was depressing.  On the plus side, though, she's on my spring tennis team, so I don't have to worry about actually playing her in a match any time soon.  And I do believe I have a few aspects of my game that I now need to work on so I don't get my ass handed to me this spring when league starts.  The glass is half full, right?

Other than that, J and I slept late this morning (my parents had the kiddos), we hit Chick Fil-A for lunch, went to the park with one of Benjamin's friends and his parents, ate out for dinner, and there you go - the day is over. 

We're supposed to get a small bit of snow tomorrow night and then a lot of snow on Wednesday, so I need to get my planning gene in gear and figure out what needs to be done before the state puts out the panicked cry for French toast (read: slams the grocery store for milk and bread).  I'm not sure when I'm heading to Houston next, but for right now, I'm very much enjoying being at home.  Fingers crossed that the lack of traveling lasts for a while...

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