Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quick Run

Ahhhh. First run in about a week. 4 miles, around a 10:00 pace. I'm happy with it. I downloaded a few new tunes and they were probably instrumental in helping me get the extra mile in, as I only had 3 planned. Actually, if I'd had a little more time, I might have gone 5 (it felt awesome to run tonight!) but that didn't happen. I'm still signed up for the LR Half in a month, but at this point I figure it's just going to be a matter of getting it done, as opposed to an actual time goal. If you are planning to run a half marathon, it's probably a good thing if you run more than once a week, right? Hell, I'm just happy I'm farther along than I was two years ago, when a couple of miles at a 13:00 pace was all I could handle.

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