Sunday, February 20, 2011


Let's see, it's been a couple of days.  I've got a 10 miler scheduled this morning that I'm desperately trying to convince myself I really want to do (really, really, I do!). 

Hm.  Positive talk isn't working yet, but I'm hoping the coffee will kick in momentarily...

My team had our first tennis match of the season last night, and we won - woo hoo!  We had a great season last year and ended up going to Southerns.  We came within a match of playing in the finals for Nationals, so I think we're all hoping to give it another good run this year. 

But on the down side, my legs are already a little tired from the match last night.  Ugh.  Not good motivation for the run.  Wuss.

On an entirely different note, I finished two books this week, and I'm hoping to write a bit about each of them, but so far haven't managed to work in the time.  I'm also trying out an audio book on my ipod, to see if that works for me.  I've tried books on tape in the past, and they never worked for me - my mind would wander and I'd end up having to rewind the tape every ten minutes.  I'm hoping this time around will be different.

I've also been trying out a new goal-setting mechanism that seems to be working pretty well.  I'm beginning to think I need to keep the KISS principle in mind for more things in my life.

At any rate, time to load up the shuffle and pound the pavement.  Or maybe go back to bed.  The day has not yet declared itself...


Gina and Michael said...

Did I miss reading about the KISS principle?

Around the Page said...

Haha, nah, just the general idea of "keep it simple, stupid!" I tend to make things more difficult than they really need to be (imagine that!), so keeping something simple makes it a bit more likely that it will actually work. We'll see...