Saturday, February 12, 2011

Snow Pictures - Half Fail?

We really did get out in the snow on Wednesday with the kiddos - even though I have no pictures.  The camera was in the pocket of my ski bib (which, incidentally, I think I've had since high school?), and as soon as I tried to take a picture, I got the "replace battery" signal.  Terrific.

So here are a few pics I was able to take from the house.  This is actually before the worst of it; we probably got a few more inches after I took these.  The first one below is our cul de sac.  It always amuses me to watch the street turn white - probably a throw back from childhood, where a white street almost inevitably meant no school.  The second one is the backyard, where the day before the goldfish and koi had been swimming happily around the pond.  Little did they know...  The last one looks up the street from our house.  It was snowing crazy hard at that point.

Even though the vast majority of the roads were clear by Friday morning, the kiddos still got the day off of school, giving them a five day vacation this week.  They got sunburns from playing in the snow so much. 

Today, J and I played tennis outside.  Avoiding puddles of snow and slush on the court.  Wearing shorts and short sleeves (well, he was in shorts anyway) because it was 60 degrees.  Arkansas weather is just bizarre. 

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