Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Baby Steps

Last night I managed to get myself appointed to my kiddos' school board.  Now, I'd already lost a general election through the school itself (I'm neither the PTO president, nor did I stand outside the school for two weeks campaigning every single morning during drop off, so I didn't get one of those two spots), but the city itself has appointments to the board, and I threw my hat in the ring for one of those.

Hard to lose when you are the only one applying...but I'll take it.

It's been a long time since I've been involve in a local community, but I think it is probably the right thing for me.  Education is an interest of mine, and for the next few years I'll get an "up close and personal" look at it.  The education system in Central Arkansas is probably one of the more interesting systems in the US, so it should be a fun couple of years.

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