Saturday, June 9, 2012

Shaky Ground

I tried out a yoga class this morning.  I've done one previous class - when I was pregnant with Benjamin - so the experience was a little different this time around. 

I like the mindfulness of it, which I expected, but I did NOT expect to shake as much as I did.  Holy crap, I'm not sure how you could do that a few times a week and not have completely ripped arms.  Or maybe my arms are just weak right now, that's a distinct possibility considering the amount of tennis I haven't been playing lately... 

At any rate, I have to figure out how to work a few more days a week of exercise into my life.  I've slacked a lot lately, and am starting to see the results of the sitting around.  Ah well, a slow cycle is ok here and there, and summer time is as good as any, right?  The running will probably be on pause for most of the summer - at least for long runs - because I just don't feel like dealing with the heat this year.  Three or four miles is fine; 10+ will not be happening until September or October I'm guessing. 

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