Saturday, June 30, 2012

Saturday Silence

The kiddos stayed at my mom's last night, and j had to work this morning, so I have a quiet house! Not for too long though, we're headed to the lake so I'm gonna have to get my ass in gear and get moving.

I did another Friday yoga class last night, then spent the rest of the evening watching gymnastics trials. Damn those kids are incredible. I had forgotten how nice it can be to just veg in front of the tv watching Olympic stuff. I remember watching for hours as a kid - and barely getting my homework done for the two weeks the games were on. It was kinda nice to just sit and be entertained, although the commercials are annoying as all get out. Guess I need to use the dvr, huh.

At any rate, it's Saturday, and I'm quite happy it's here. Time to get moving and head towards the lake. Helllooooo sunscreen!

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