Saturday, June 16, 2012

Decking It

One of my favorite things about being back in Arkansas and out of Houston is the fact that I can sit on my deck at 9am on Saturday morning in the middle of June, and it's actually kind of cool. The ceiling fan is going, the arbor is covered in wisteria, and the humidity is still low. It reminds me of lazy mornings of summer when I was a kid (the few rare times I woke up early enough for it to still be morning). Being able to just sit and enjoy the morning, listening to the neighborhood coming awake, and feeling the promise of an entire weekend day spreading out in front of me - totally awesome. Now granted, we have Alyssa's birthday party early this afternoon, and things that need doing before then. But damn it's nice to just sit and be still for an hour or so before the day starts.

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