Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I've been trying to get up earlier this past month or so. Not crazy early - like 5am or what have you - but early enough to get the kiddos' lunches done and then have time to have coffee on the deck before the craziness of the day hits.

Yes, this means I'm going to bed well before 11 some nights. In the immortal
words of Paul Simon, 'getting old...'

But it does make the mornings go more smoothly, and the kiddos and I both less stressed as we get out the door. Plus I have a few minutes to reflect on what has happened overnight, and the upcoming day. How I want it to go, what I need to focus on, what I need to make sure I have prepared. And, I even have time to throw something in the oven for the munchkins' breakfast. Pigs in blankets have been a big hit this summer.

Of course, I'm sure part of this routine is the fact that the sun is up so early, which makes it a helluva lot easier to get up. Maybe one of these days I'll go out and exercise when I'm up this early. Maybe. But maybe not. I likes my coffee and quiet mornings, I'm not sure I want to spoil that with a bunch of sweat.

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